Female Light Blue Short Sleeve Dress Shirt (Trops)
The women’s short sleeve shirt has a fly front button closure (right over left), a soft stand up collar with stays, shoulder epaulets, and a pleated patch pocket with a button flap closure on each front panel. The shirt is a polyester and cotton blend in Air Force Blue shade. Each shirt shall be fit over a brassier. There shall be ample room around the bust and shoulders to permit free use of the arms without binding. The shoulder /sleeve seam shall reach a point to the outer edge of the shoulder joint.
Bust Measurement
This measurement is taken snug – there should not be any slack in the tape measure, nor should it be held too tightly. Take the measurement from the center of the back instead of the front, with the subject standing in a natural position, without the chest fully expanded.
Measure the circumference of the bust with the tape measure placed level across the back, under the arms, and over the fullest part of the bust.